Questions to Ask Your Naturopathic Doctor

Have you been thinking about going to see a naturopathic doctor for natural treatment of your health issues? Are you asking yourself what questions you should ask your ND when you get there for your appointment? At NEX Wellness, we make it our mission to provide our clients with the most information possible about natural treatments at our Health and Wellness Clinic. There are many different questions that you can ask your ND when you show up for your appointment or consultation. In this article by NEX Wellness, we share some information about some questions that you can ask your naturopathic doctor. 

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If prescribed health supplements, how long should I take them? 

It is possible that your naturopathic doctor will prescribe you some health supplements that can be effective in treating your health issues. Supplements are to be used for a period of time long enough to help you achieve your health goals. Once you are there you will have enhanced your nutrition and ideally will be receiving what you need from food and nature as opposed to having to swallow supplements.

Can you order blood work? 

Naturopathic Doctors can order blood work for their clients. Your blood work gives them a good look at your levels so that they have a good baseline to work with to come up with your treatment plan. Blood work allows your ND to see if your levels are low or right where they should be. It is their window into your health. 

Are you going to make me eat like a rabbit from now on?

This is a common misconception of naturopathic doctors. No, we will not tell you that you need to eat like a rabbit for the rest of your life. There are plenty of healthy diets and foods that you can eat that do not require you to eat as a rabbit would. A diet of healthy vegetables and fruits will most likely be prescribed and foods with healthy fats as well. Your diet is very important for your body and mind to function optimally. 

These are just a few of the questions that you can ask your naturopathic doctor when you come in for an appointment for a consultation. To learn more about this, we encourage you to get in touch with our team at NEX Wellness today. Click here to find our contact information, schedule an appointment, or speak with a representative.